The municipality of the Real one of the Rockrose is located in the noroccidental end of the province of Seville, being adjacent with the one of Huelva and with the Independent Community of Extremadura.
Its term is included in the region of the North Mountain range and in the scope of the Natural Park of he himself name.
In 1.996 it counted on a population of 1,761 inhabitants.

These earth have been occupied by the man from very remote times, although the first stable establishment does not take place until the period of Roman colonization, in which the construction of the castle begins. During the dominion visigodo is uninhabited.
The Arabs denominate Xara, reaching great importance during the period almohade, in which she gets to emancipate itself of the Califato of Cordova.
He is conquered by the Christian horsemen of the Order of Santiago in 1.247, during the reign of Fernando III Santo. The locality is yielded to this Order so that it is in charge of his safekeeping. At the end of century XV it obtains from hands of Kings Católicos the title of Villa and the Real Law, that the appraised denomination of Real supposes to him which it appears in his name.
This small urban nucleus is located in an area of rough topography, being surrounded by hills to the north and the south. It causes that their morphology is basically linear, extended of this a the west, and developed in both margins of the passage of the highway that unites to him with the localities of Santa Olalla of Cala (by the west) and of Almadén of the Silver (by the east).
But the nucleus has been evolving with time towards one more a more irregular morphology or in star, by the existence of divergent linear growth throughout other ways and highways (with North and South direction). Those growth have originated the existence of some urban emptinesses or sectors without building between such. Between his constructions of artistic historical interest they emphasize the church of San Bartholomew (of style to mudéjar), the hermitage of Our Lady of Grace and the rest of the castle.
In the heat of Via of the Silver, Seville to Astorga.
The Real one of the Rockrose has a great agricultural, forest and cattle wealth, with abundant wool cattle and of bristle.
The hunting is very abundant as well as the collection of wild asparagus, of an exceptional quality. The typical plates of the traditional kitchen are the 'stews of golden thistles with hábas, the asparagus with eggs and salmorejo of perdiz; and at the time of the slaughters the liver of pig, chuletas roasted and the asadura in sauce. Real food for hunters of montería who come here. By something the town is called Real of the Rockrose.
The second Sunday of May is romería of Santa Olaya de Cala. Peculiarly the Cala river is the border between Real and the villa of Santa Olaya. Santa, Olaya, Elalia, are patron of the town of Santa Olaya, but roinería is celebrated in land of the Real one.
The fair of the Real one is celebrated from the 21 to the 24 of August, in honor of his patrono San Bartholomew.
San Bartholomew Apostle, martyr of the Church, to which in the martyrdom they skinned to him there alive by the first times of the Christianity.
Altitude of the sea 535 M.s
Postal code 41250
Distance of Seville 72 km.
Extension 160 km2
Gentilicio Realeños
Inhabitants 1.700